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VCE Psychology Incursion UNIT 3 Area of Study 2

VCE Psychology Incursion
UNIT 3: Area of Study 2

Classical and Operant Conditioning

VCE Psychology Incursion

UNIT 3: Area of Study 2

Classical and Operant Conditioning

Have your students learn about the concepts of both classical and operant conditioning in a highly engaging and motivating manner. The workshop is presented by Dr Brad Rundle – a highly experienced educator and animal behaviourist.

Dr Rundle explains the concepts of both Classical and Operant Conditioning with his amazing dog Radar.

Dr Rundle demonstrates a range of Radar’s learned behaviours (this may include anything from obedience behaviours through to scent detection) and breaks them down to discuss how he trains behaviours and how he utilises both classical and operant conditioning. This includes the three-phases of each type of conditioning, reinforcement, punishment (behaviour quadrant), factors that influence reinforcement and punishment and, a comparison between classical and operant.

For VCE, the incursion can be used as an engaging/informative session or used as the basis for a SAC (in this case Dr Rundle can be very specific about what is covered following discussion with the classroom teacher). He can also adjust the content to cater for lower year levels as needed.

This Incursion can also be conducted online!

Book now to secure a session for your students. Contact for details or call 0438 770 994.

Cost: $465* excl GST per session (maximum of 28 students per session)
* additional travel charges may apply

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